Current Services

The following rules will apply to the provision of literature, information and IT during the University limited on-site operations.

Who can I contact?

The KIM-Beratung / library service is open from Monday to Friday from 9am until 6pm and Saturday from 10am until 2pm. You can also contact us via E-Mail during these times. Face to face IT support is available from Monday to Friday 9am until 4pm.

For questions relating to other topics please contact the appropriate person directly


How do I borrow items?

You can go directly to the shelves to find the items you need and borrow them (restrictions see below).

The main library is open 24/7. The N library has reduced opening times.

  • Borrowing books should be done via the self-service machines.

Ordering Items for Collection

Items can also be ordered for collection via our local catalogue.

How can I order an item for collection?

In the title information, you will see the button "Order title for collection". Make a reservation with your library card number and password.

For any questions, please contact

Can I access IT systems (ZEuS, ILIAS, E-Mail, Cloud etc.)?

Access to the usual University IT systems will continue to be supported by the Communication, Information, Media Centra (KIM). This includes the website and content management system, e-mail and calendaring, the cloud, ZEuS, ILIAS and other systems.

How can I log in to the campus network from off-campus (remotely)?

The KIM provides off-campus access to the campus network via VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Please note, that acccess to full-text e-resources is still available via Shibboleth.

Can I still access library materials online?

Some publishers and providers  have responded to the corona crisis and are offering unrestricted access to their electronic resources without the need for a VPN or shibboleth authenitcation.

Electronic resources (E-books, e-journals, databases etc.), which have been bought or licensed by the University will continue to be available off-campus.

Access via VPN

VPN enables access to electronic ressources off-campus. First of all the use was only available for employees due to technically limited VPN access. From Wednesday, April 1st, VPN access will be available again for students.

Access via Shibboleth

Publishers and providers allow access to their e-resources from off-campus via shibboleth. In order to authenticate via shibboleth, you will need a University of Konstanz e-mail address. The provider site will ask you to log in via your University account which will confirm that you belong to the University of Konstanz. This will allow you access to the full-text of any bought or licensed materials.

Shibboleth short guide (PDF)

Some publishers/providers who permit access via shibboleth include:

Following the publisher link to e-books from our library catalogue will often take you to a page asking you to pay for access. Usually you will find a link to login in the top right corner of the page which will take you to the shibboleth login option.

Can I return items by post?

Return by post

Universität Konstanz
KIM / Buchrückgabe
Universitätstrasse 10

78464 Konstanz

Information for Students

Study Spaces in the Library

The library is open 24/7. There are 1700 study spaces available.

Please note:

  • You must have proof of 3G (vaccinated, recovered or a negative test) to use the library
  • Masks must be worn at all times in the library

Study Islands in the Information Centre

The study islands in the information centre are available for active participation in online lectures and seminars. You can also take part in lectures in the library book areas for listening only, please ensure that you do not disturb other library users.

VPN für Studierende

Studierende haben wieder die Möglichkeit, den VPN-Zugang zu nutzen und somit auf alle lizenzpflichtigen Angebote des KIM zuzugreifen.
Die notwendige Einschränkung zu Beginn des Notbetriebs konnte durch die Erhöhung der Kapazitäten der VPN-Zugänge aufgehoben werden.

Studierende müssen sich mit dem Server: verbinden.

Studierende, die den VPN bereits installiert haben, müssen bei der Anmeldung die Serveradresse ändern.

  • Neu für Sudierende:
  • Für MitarbeiterInnen gilt:

Anleitung zur Installation des VPN-Klienten

How can I participate in web- and videoconferences?

Your lecturers have access to various web and video conference systems with which teaching content can be transmitted.

You will receive a link from your lecturer, which you open with your internet browser at the agreed time. In order to avoid overloading the systems and r data capacities, we recommend to participate in the conference only via microphone / audio and to switch off your own video contributions if possible. You can follow the presentation of your lecturer, ask questions or communicate participate in the chat.

You as a participant don't need a license for these systems

How do I get a certificate of discharge from the library for my exmatriculation?

Send an e-mail to with your name and student registration number (beginning 01/...). We will send the exmatriculation confirmation to to the SSZ.

Information for Staff

Digitale Prüfungen

Um das Digitale Sommersemester auch mit digitalen Prüfungen abschließen zu können, bietet das Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) eine separate Prüfungs-ILIAS-Umgebung an. Damit können zwei verschiedene Typen von schriftlichen Online-Prüfungen abgenommen werden:

Typ 1: Take Home Exam
Im Übungsmodul von ILIAS können Take Home Exams nach dem Modell "download - work - upload" durchgeführt werden, in denen eine Datei mit Prüfungsaufgaben von den Studierenden heruntergeladen, dann offline bearbeitet und schließlich ein Lösungsblatt wieder hochgeladen wird.

Vorteil: Diese Prüfungsform stellt niedrigere Anforderungen an die technische Ausstattung der Studierenden (z.B. Internetverbindung), da sie nicht während der ganzen Prüfung online sein müssen.
Nachteil: Eine automatisierte Korrektur von Single- oder Multiple-Choice-Fragen ist nicht möglich.

Typ 2: Live Online Klausur
Im Testmodul von ILIAS können Live Online Klausuren geschrieben werden, bei denen die Studierenden während der gesamten Prüfung in ILIAS online sein müssen und ihre Lösungen direkt in ILIAS eintragen (z.B. Single oder Multiple Choice, Zuordnungsfragen, offene Fragen).

Nachteil: Diese Prüfungsform stellt höhere Anforderungen an die technische Ausstattung der Studierenden (z.B. Internetverbindung), da sie während der ganzen Prüfung online sein müssen. Vorteil: Eine automatisierte Korrektur von Single- oder Multiple-Choice-Fragen ist möglich.

Die Prüfungs-ILIAS-Umgebung zu nutzen, ist ganz einfach:

1. Ändern Sie in ZEuS die Prüfungsform des angekündigten Prüfungstermins auf die gewünschte Form "Live Online Klausur" oder "Take Home Exam" zur Ankündigung an die Studierenden.

2. Schicken Sie eine Mail an mit folgenden Angaben:

  • Name Dozent/in und Fachbereich
  • Bezeichnung der Veranstaltung, zu der die Klausur gehört
  • Anzahl teilnehmender Studierender (bis zu 300 möglich)
  • Dauer und gewünschter Termin
  • Prüfungstyp 1 (Take Home Exam im Übungsmodul) oder 2 (Live Online Klausur im Testmodul)

3. Die Lehrraumvergabe prüft den Termin und bestätigt die Buchung des ILIAS-Prüfungsraums. Bei weiteren Fragen zur technischen oder didaktischen Gestaltung Ihrer Klausur wenden Sie sich bitte an:

4. Das ILIAS-Team legt den Klausur-Raum in ILIAS für Sie an.

5. Sie loggen sich ein auf und finden dort auf dem Persönlichen Schreibtisch den Klausur-Raum vor, den Sie dann entsprechend ausgestalten können.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier

How can I use web and video conferences?

Telephone and web conference tools

A particular focus for the digital summer semester is chat, telephone and web conferencing tools. The Communication, Information and Media Centre (KIM) has been working with the department for teaching questions and university didactics to test a variety of systems as well as exchanging experiences with other national universities.

KIM has decided to offer:

  • BigBlueButton, offers audio and video transmission in virtual rooms as well as didactic functionalities such as screen sharing or whiteboard functions.
  • WebEx , a commercial product of the company Cisco is licensed for all teachers of the university. The system and the company have been successful in the webinar market for a long time.
  • DFNconf, offers the possibility of telephone and web conferences and is currently being expanded due to the strong demand to meet the current demand for telephone and web conferences.
  • Zoom is a very comprehensive and clearly designed online service for web conferences and webinars. The KIM has purchased licenses for teachers but recommends to use the first mentioned products for reasons of data protection.

Further information on all telephone and video conferencing systems can be found here.

Further information and support for digitally supported teaching in the summer semester is constantly being updated on our elearning page.

How can I log in to the campus network from off-campus?

The KIM provides off-campus access to the campus network via VPN (Virtual Private Network) for university staff.  Further information about VPN access is available on this page:

Should you require access to specific department systems or drives, which are not normally available via VPN, please speak to your supervisor. They will then be able to request specific homeoffice VPN access from IT support.

What options are available for collaborative working?

A number of tools are available for collaborative team work.

For digital teaching there are various offers of web and video conferences licensed by KIM. An overview of the offers can be found on the site:

Access to Literature

You can access library materials in the following ways:

  • Ordering library materials for collection: via library catalogue
  • Use the VPN to access licensed electronic resources such as e-Books, e-Journals and databases.
  • Use the scanning service KonDoc to order journal articles and book chapters, which will be sent to you by mail.

Access to the book areas:
University employees can gain access to the book areas upon presentation of their employee ID card and with a current negative test result or recovery proof or proof of vaccination. Access to the book areas BG, BS and J is via the side entrance at the Bib-Cafe. Between 2 and 3 p.m. this entrance is closed, access to the book area N is possible during the complete opening hours of the library.

Besides KonDoc and library loan, the document delivery service Subito is also available. Log in with your employee number (03/....) and your library password, get a Subito ticket and search the catalogues of the participating libraries for the desired literature. The costs will be covered by the University of Konstanz.

Purchase Suggestions for new literature:

  • You can continue to recommend new items for the library. Print items can be ordered, however the processing of new items can only be done after the University reopens.
  • E-Books can be licensed immediately and are quickly available via the library catalogue and KonSearch.

Please also use the offers of the various specialist information services for science: Information about the regional and specialist FID, their acquisition profiles and service offers.


Lecturers can borrow the KIM.MediaBOX from the KIM to record their own (teaching) videos. The focus of the hardware and software is on the independent production of videos.

Information for External Library Users

Collection of reserved media

Pre-ordered media are available for pick-up at the library's Info Center. You will receive an e-mail notification as soon as the media are available for you.