Die Zukunft der Tradition -
50 Jahre Sozialwissenschaftliches Archiv Konstanz

Conference Schedule (German)

July 4 - 5, 2024
Conference Venue: Freiräume Konstanz
Vor der Hofhalde 5, Altstadt Konstanz

Conference Information

Conference Poster

Conference Venue Map

Personalities, Pragmatic Affairs, and Playful Worlds
"On Multiple Realities" 1945-2025

Call for Papers

VII. Conference of the International Alfred Schutz Circle for Phenomenology and Interpretive Social Science

University of Vienna, April 24-26, 2025

Call for Papers Memorial Price

Ilse Schutz Memorial Price for Junior Scholars

Hartmut Rosa zu
"Perspektivischer Dualismus: Zum Verhältnis von Phänomenologie und Kritischer Theorie"

Recording of the Public Talk and the Book Presentation 

February 1th, 2024

Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung (ZKF)

Bischofsvilla Konstanz

Call for Papers
"Phenomenology at the Borders"

The Society of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences (SPHS) &
The Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists (ICNAP)

2024 Joint Meeting
May 20th-23rd, 2024
Hosted by Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Call for Papers (PDF)

extended deadline 31.01.2024

Social Science Archive Konstanz

The Social Science Archive Konstanz (SAK) is part of the University of Konstanz and is an important research institution and repository for estates and materials of renowned social scientists. The SAK (also known as Alfred Schutz Memorial Archive) is an archive, documentation site and research center for interpretative social research, phenomenology and sociology as well as sociology of knowledge and culture.