General information
Please use one of the corresponding forms listed on the left for your request. Make sure to log in (using the "My University" icon) to view the content. If your request involves more than five phones, please contact us via email.
Call forwarding for a limited period
Once the call forwarding period has been set (see corresponding request form), it remains in place for the entire period. Your calls will be forwarded during the selected period from Monday up to and including Friday. If you need to change this period, please fill in the request form again. Changes can only be made for longer periods of time (more than 1 week).
The telephone forwarding costs will be charged to your office telephone. The caller might see the forwarding destination (e.g. your private phone number).
You can find the request for temporary call forwarding here (set-up, change, cancellation).
Answering machine
You have to request an answering machine before you can use this service. Please use the corresponding form.
In order for your answering machine to pick up calls, you must forward your calls to extension 77. You can find out how to set up call forwarding in the respective telephone instructions.
Answering machine instructions (in German)
Dial-in conference calls
You have to request a dial-in conference "room" using the corresponding form.
After you have received the email containing the dial-in information, please follow the corresponding instructions.
Key labelling
Please use the blue button below to access templates you can use to label keys for frequently used phone numbers. Simply click on the corresponding yellow label in the image to open the template.