The teaching and learning platform ILIAS is the central platform for digitally supported teaching at the University of Konstanz.

ILIAS provides you with the information, learning materials and exercises necessary for your studies and the courses you have enrolled for.

Additional information about ILIAS and all services related to digitally supported teaching at the University of Konstanz can be found here.

Information for Students:

  • Log in with Uni-Account (firstname.lastname + email password).
  • By "Joining" a course, it will appear on your "Personal Desk."
  • For some courses, a special course password must be entered, or the instructor must accept the registration before access to the course content is granted.

Information for Instructors can be found here

Lecture-relevant literature can also be found in the library in the book section BH 300 (access via BG 3) /natural sciences on N 6. The semester reserve is arranged alphabetically by the names of the instructors.