Subject-specific information Education

Internet Links:

Fachportal Pädagogik - Education Research Portal

The Education Research Portal is the central search entry point for educational science information on the Internet. It offers a meta search for relevant literature and research projects, a relevant selection of educational science databases and links to educational researchers and scientific institutions.

Eduserver - Education in Germany

The German Education Server is the central signpost to education information on the Internet. As a meta-server, it primarily refers to information on the German education system. The topics cover all levels of education, from elementary education, schools and vocational training to higher education, science and educational research and adult/continuing education. They are supplemented by information on the German education system (e.g. also curricula of the individual federal states) and cross-sectional topics such as education for the disabled and social work, media and education as well as education worldwide and intercultural education.

The German Educational Research Association

The German Society for Educational Science is an association for educational researchers active in teaching and research. In co-operation with the German Education Server, the GERA also operates the Educational Science Directory with comprehensive information on people working in educational science, educational institutions in Germany and references to Internet materials. As part of this co-operation, the GERA also operates the education job market and a calendar of events.

Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education

The DIPF is a non-university scientific service organisation that supports research, practice, administration and politics in the education sector and at the same time conducts research itself.